Smriti BajajBlockchain development using Python and GanacheDisclaimer- This part focuses more on the theoretical aspects and 1, 2021Jul 1, 2021
Smriti BajajJWT authentication with Node.js : Solving a trust issue between Client and server sides.Jun 2, 2021Jun 2, 2021
Smriti BajajTesserocr or Tesseract?Did I mistype it? Isn’t it tesseract-ocr? Well, tesserocr is known in the world of Python for its advanced support with Tesseract’s C++…Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
Smriti BajajHow to configure live agent functionality using Zendesk?If you haven’t read my previous article on Zendesk chatbot, please do for a better understanding of this one.Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
Smriti BajajHow to create a chatbot with Zendesk Chat Conversations API?A chatbot is aimed to reduce human intervention by responding to the FAQs- general or specific to any domain(payment, Easter eggs, Hotel…Nov 7, 20201Nov 7, 20201